Tag: Ubuntu

  • The Nextcloud VM

    The Nextcloud VM — (aka Nextcloud Virtual Machine or NcVM) — helps you create a personal or corporate Nextcloud Server faster and easier. Fundamentally, NcVM is a carefully crafted family of *nix scripts which interactively guide you through a quality-controlled installation to obtain an A+ security-rated Nextcloud instance. Community developed and maintained by Hansen IT…

  • Most Comprehensive List of Linux Monitoring Tools For SysAdmin

    If you are looking for a (very) comprehensive list of Linux Monitoring Tools which cover all the Linux elements like network, server, infrastructure, desktop performance, etc. then look no further. This article at UbuntuPit is an evergreen content which will be updated regularly with more useful Linux Monitoring Tools and the best place to learn…

  • Hosting WordPress Yourself on DigitalOcean

    Deliciousbrains have published a complete end-to-end series on Hosting WordPress Yourself on DigitalOcean (works on Linode, Amazon EC2 or one of the many other virtual server providers as well). The guide explains the entire process of building a complete server to house your WordPress sites step by step and is getting updated to the latest…

  • GitHub – BrixSat/SdcardBackupRestore: Backup and restore your sdcard on linux.

    This Shellscript by BrixSat allows you to backup and restore your SD card on linux – e.g. for Raspberry Pi SD Cards on an Ubuntu Linux System. It will prompt for all the things that need to be entered. > github.com/BrixSat/SdcardBackupRestore

  • GitHub – igrr/esptool-ck: The ESP8266/ESP32 build helper tool by Christian Klippel

    Esptool is a tool to create firmware files for the ESP8266/ESP32 chips and flash the firmware to the chip over serial port. Esptool runs on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. Esptool reads the compiled program in ELF format, extracts code and data sections, and either dumps a section to a file or assembles the…

  • Dynamic DNS with ddclient on Raspberry Pi and Ubuntu using your Namecheap Domain

    This tutorial will show you how to configure ddclient on Raspbian and Ubuntu with your Namecheap Domain. Many tutorials don’t explain what to do if your server is behind a router, but this one will. It is the best tutorial regarding dynamic DNS for your Raspberry! > samhobbs.co.uk/2015/01/dynamic-dns-ddclient-raspberry-pi-and-ubuntu

  • Kopieren von Dateien zwischen Linux-Computern mit SSH/SCP

    “Um Dateien von einem Computer auf einen anderen kopieren zu können, müssen Sie wissen, wo die Dateien abgelegt sind. Um beispielsweise eine einzelne Datei /srv/foo_file vom Computer jupiter.example.com in das aktuelle Verzeichnis zu kopieren, verwenden Sie den Befehl scp (der Punkt entspricht dem aktuellen Verzeichnis als Zielspeicherort der kopierten Datei)“: scp tux@jupiter.example.com:/srv/foo_file . > www.mpipks-dresden.mpg.de/~mueller/docs/suse10.3/opensuse-manual_de/manual/sec.filetrans.copy.html

  • Bash-Skripting-Guide für Anfänger › Shell › Wiki › ubuntuusers.de

    Dieser Artikel soll Interessierten die grundlegenden Möglichkeiten des Bash-Skriptens nahebringen. So werden hier kurz die wichtigsten Konstrukte angesprochen und diese mit einigen praktischen Beispielen etwas vertieft. wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Shell/Bash-Skripting-Guide_f%C3%BCr_Anf%C3%A4nger/

  • Linux Automation and Scripting Guide

    Linux and UNIX based operating systems have had all the basic ingredients for relatively painless automation built in for ages. You can make it do anything at any time, by any schedule or any trigger. Your wish is its command! These basic ingredients are shell scripting in bash, a few key configuration files, and cron.…

  • Mount A Network Share On Linux / Ubuntu – Linhost.info

    This tutorial shows the steps necessary to mount a network share in Linux making use of the cifs-util suite including creation of mount point, mounting and mount of a network share at boot. linhost.info/2012/05/mount-a-network-share-in-linux-ubuntu/

  • So bindet man Cloudspeicher unter Linux ein!

    Eine einfache Möglichkeit Cloudspace unter Linux einzubinden ist via WebDAV. Viele Anbieter wie MagentaCloud/Telekom Mediencenter, OwnCloud, Seafile etc. bieten hierfür eine Unterstützung an, ohne dass man die Weboberfläche verwenden muss. Entweder mit einem Filemanager wie Kursader und/oder verschiedenen WebDAV clients wie wdfs, davfs oder cadaver lässt sich der Webdav-Speicher einfach als URL aufrufen und es…