Tag: SSL

  • Simple guide to add TLS cert to cpanel · acmesh-official/acme.sh Wiki · GitHub

    How to use acme.sh with cPanel for automatically renewing Let’s Encrypt SSL This guide will demonstrate how to use acme.sh with a cPanel account to setup automatically renewing Let’s Encrypt certificates. Prerequisites: SSH access to your cPanel account is required. Contact your host to find out whether this is available. Sometimes Namecheap or other Shared…

  • WordOps – High performance WordPress stack with a few keystrokes

    WordOps provide the ability to deploy a blazing fast and secured WordPress with Nginx by using simple and easy to remember commands. Forked from EasyEngine v3, it’s already much more than an up-to-date version of EEv3 with several new features including Let’s Encrypt wildcard SSL certificates with DNS API validation support, Linux kernel optimizations or…

  • sslforfree.com – free online SSL certificates

    ssslforfree.com provides an online generator to create free online SSL certificates based on Let’s encrypt’s free service. www.sslforfree.com/

  • Hosting WordPress Yourself on DigitalOcean

    Deliciousbrains have published a complete end-to-end series on Hosting WordPress Yourself on DigitalOcean (works on Linode, Amazon EC2 or one of the many other virtual server providers as well). The guide explains the entire process of building a complete server to house your WordPress sites step by step and is getting updated to the latest…

  • Local by Flywheel | Local WordPress development made simple

    Local WordPress development made simple – A fuss-free way to simplify your WordPress workflow. Stop debugging local environments and spend more time launching WordPress sites. Key features are speed and simplicity, Simple demo URLs, SSH / WP-CLI access, One-click WordPress installation, Hassle-free local SSL support and flexible environment options. > local.getflywheel.com/

  • Namecheap.com – Email account setup in Thunderbird (Private Email)

    Instructions for setting up Namecheap Private Email securely in Thunderbird (using SSL) that actually work! > www.namecheap.com/support/knowledgebase/article.aspx/9186/2175/email-account-setup-in-thunderbird-smtpimappop3

  • SSL Server Test (Powered by Qualys SSL Labs)

    This free online service performs a deep analysis of the certificate and configuration of any SSL web server on the public Internet. > www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/index.html

  • How to access ownCloud Files using WebDAV – ownCloud User Manual

    ownCloud fully supports the WebDAV protocol, and you can connect and synchronize with your ownCloud files over WebDAV. The manual will show you how to connect Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, and mobile devices to your ownCloud server via WebDAV. The is the recommended way of connecting client devices to your ownCloud servers: To connect…

  • Online Vulnerability Scanners | HackerTarget.com

    HackerTarget.com allows you to simplify the security assessment process with hosted vulnerability scanning tools based on trusted open source software. There are several different online security scanners that test different areas of the security assessment cycle – including information gathering, application discovery, network mapping and vulnerability discovery: Nmap Port Scanner, OpenVas Vulnerability Scanner, Nikto Web…