Tag: Server
Hola VPN – hola.org
Hola is a freemium web and mobile application which provides a form of VPN service to its users through a peer-to-peer network. It also uses peer-to-peer caching. When a user accesses certain domains that are known to use geo-blocking, the Hola application redirects the request to go through the computers and Internet connections of other users in non-blocked areas, thereby circumventing the blocking. Users of the free…
Backup to your Synology NAS with rsync – GnaX.io
This step by step guide written bei gnax.io explains how you can perform a backup task using rsync from your external Linux server (e.g. Ubuntu VPS) to your Synology NAS automatically and on a schedule. It requires to fiddle around with SSH and changing some rights on the Synology to get it done but it…
glances – Server Monitoring
Glances is a an awesome and yet very simple cross-platform monitoring tool developed by Nico Largo and released as Open Source on Github. Glances aims to present a large amount of monitoring information through a curses or Web based interface. The information dynamically adapts depending on the size of the user interface. github.com/nicolargo/glances/
GitHub – Unofficial Bitwarden compatible server written in Rust
This is a Bitwarden server API implementation written in Rust compatible with upstream Bitwarden clients*, perfect for self-hosted deployment where running the official resource-heavy service might not be ideal. github.com/dani-garcia/bitwarden_rs
Raspberry Pi mit Sonnenenergie betreiben Blog
Werner Ziegelwanger hat sich als einer der wenigen im deutschsprachigen Raum schon vor ein paar Jahren überlegt wie man einen Raspberry Pi ausschließlich über Sonnenenergie betreiben kann, welche Größe das Solarpanel benötigt, wie man einen Akku dazwischenschalten kann, der geladen wird und damit erreichen kann, dass alles zusammen rund um die Uhr genug Strom liefert.…
Hosting WordPress Yourself on DigitalOcean
Deliciousbrains have published a complete end-to-end series on Hosting WordPress Yourself on DigitalOcean (works on Linode, Amazon EC2 or one of the many other virtual server providers as well). The guide explains the entire process of building a complete server to house your WordPress sites step by step and is getting updated to the latest…
Local by Flywheel | Local WordPress development made simple
Local WordPress development made simple – A fuss-free way to simplify your WordPress workflow. Stop debugging local environments and spend more time launching WordPress sites. Key features are speed and simplicity, Simple demo URLs, SSH / WP-CLI access, One-click WordPress installation, Hassle-free local SSL support and flexible environment options. > local.getflywheel.com/
Instructions for Sending & Receiving SMS on Linux by 20papercups
Instructions on sending & receiving SMS with a USB-Modem Surfstick on Linux Operating Systems with SMSD. > www.20papercups.net/programming/sending-receiving-sms-on-linux/
Set Up Your Own Private VPN with Streisand | Big Medium
Good instructions on how to set up a private VPN service with Streisand Open Source software on a VPS server. bigmedium.com/ideas/private-vpn-streisand.html
Raspberry Pi Remote Wake/SleepLAN Server | JeremyBlum.com
Sophisticated Wake-On-LAN solution that runs as a server on a Raspberry Pi and can be triggered from the Internet. www.jeremyblum.com/2013/07/14/rpi-wol-server/
File Away — WordPress Plugins
Upload, manage, and display files from your server directories or page attachments in stylized lists or sortable data tables. > wordpress.org/plugins/file-away/