Tag: Raspbian

  • Raspberry Pi – Kameramodul als Überwachungskamera (Livestream mit Motion) › Datenreise

    Mit dem offiziellen Kamera-Modul für den Raspberry Pi kann mit wenig Aufwand und Nutzung der Software Motion eine Überwachungskamera mit Live-Webstream konfiguriert werden. In der folgenden Schritt-für-Schritt Anleitung beschreibt Manual die Konfiguration detailliert. Die Anleitung wirkt zwar etwas länger, ist jedoch für Jedermann recht einfach umzusetzen. www.datenreise.de/raspberry-pi-ueberwachungskamera-livestream/

  • UV4L Installation for ARM (Raspberry Pi)

    > The following instructions explain how to install UV4L on the official Raspbian Linux distributions available for any model of the Raspberry Pi boards: Zero, Zero W (Wireless), 1, 2, 3, Compute Module 1, Compute Module 3. > www.linux-projects.org/uv4l/installation/ > >

  • Turning a Raspberry Pi 3 into an iBeacon | Andrew’s Memory Blog

    Quick instructions by Andrew on how to turn a Raspberry Pi 3 running Raspbian Jessie into an iBeacon. andrewmemory.wordpress.com/2016/03/29/turning-a-raspberry-pi-3-into-an-ibeacon/

  • Raspberry Pi SMS to email gateway by AndyPi

    Good Instructions on how to build your own SMS to email gateway on a Raspberry Pi with some old Huawei Modem UMTS/3G USB-Stick and the use of Gammu SMSD. > andypi.co.uk/2017/05/06/raspberry-pi-sms-to-email-gateway-part-1/

  • Dynamic DNS with ddclient on Raspberry Pi and Ubuntu using your Namecheap Domain

    This tutorial will show you how to configure ddclient on Raspbian and Ubuntu with your Namecheap Domain. Many tutorials don’t explain what to do if your server is behind a router, but this one will. It is the best tutorial regarding dynamic DNS for your Raspberry! > samhobbs.co.uk/2015/01/dynamic-dns-ddclient-raspberry-pi-and-ubuntu

  • Raspberry Pi and Microsoft LifeCam HD 3000 USB Webcam Built In Microphone

    How to use a Microsoft LifeCam HD 3000 on a Raspberry Pi project. The webcam is Plug and Play, but the microphone does not work with Raspbian Jessie by default. Goal: I wanted the default audio input to be the Built-In Webcam Mic, and the default sound output to be the normal 3.5mm jack on…

  • PiBakery – the easiest way to setup a Raspberry Pi

    PiBakery – the easiest way to setup a Raspberry Pi – free Download of this must have Mac App! www.pibakery.org/