Tag: Pi

  • How to install UniFi Controller on Raspberry Pi

    These step by step instructions from the German website Smarthome Training shows how to install the Unifi Controller on a a Raspberry Pi (Raspbian) as a stand alone solution. All configuration steps from flashing the SD Card to configuring Raspbian and setting up Java as a prerequisite are explained as well how to download and…

  • bitluni’s lab – making things

    Bitluni is one of the best sites out there dealing with all kinds of maker things – e.g. based on ESP8266, Raspberry and Sensors. There are always new and funny tutorials which are straight forward and expose a lot of insights. > > bitluni.net/ >

  • GitHub – fabianhu/SIP-Pi: SIP automated calling and answering machine running on Raspberry Pi

    Sip-Tools – Automated calls and answering machine • sipcall – Automated calls over SIP/VOIP with TTS • sipserv – Answering machine for SIP/VOIP with TTS Dependencies: • PJSUA API (www.pjsip.org) • eSpeak (espeak.sourceforge.net) Copyright (C) 2012 by Andre Wussow, desk@binerry.de major changes 2017 by Fabian Huslik, github.com/fabianhu github.com/fabianhu/SIP-Pi

  • Raspberry Pi – Kameramodul als Überwachungskamera (Livestream mit Motion) › Datenreise

    Mit dem offiziellen Kamera-Modul für den Raspberry Pi kann mit wenig Aufwand und Nutzung der Software Motion eine Überwachungskamera mit Live-Webstream konfiguriert werden. In der folgenden Schritt-für-Schritt Anleitung beschreibt Manual die Konfiguration detailliert. Die Anleitung wirkt zwar etwas länger, ist jedoch für Jedermann recht einfach umzusetzen. www.datenreise.de/raspberry-pi-ueberwachungskamera-livestream/

  • UV4L Installation for ARM (Raspberry Pi)

    > The following instructions explain how to install UV4L on the official Raspbian Linux distributions available for any model of the Raspberry Pi boards: Zero, Zero W (Wireless), 1, 2, 3, Compute Module 1, Compute Module 3. > www.linux-projects.org/uv4l/installation/ > >

  • Raspberry Pi mit Sonnenenergie betreiben Blog

    Werner Ziegelwanger hat sich als einer der wenigen im deutschsprachigen Raum schon vor ein paar Jahren überlegt wie man einen Raspberry Pi ausschließlich über Sonnenenergie betreiben kann, welche Größe das Solarpanel benötigt, wie man einen Akku dazwischenschalten kann, der geladen wird und damit erreichen kann, dass alles zusammen rund um die Uhr genug Strom liefert.…

  • nextcloud/nextcloudpi: Build code for NextCloudPi Raspberry Pi image and docker container

    NextCloudPi is a ready to use image for Raspberry Pi. github.com/nextcloud/nextcloudpi

  • GitHub – BrixSat/SdcardBackupRestore: Backup and restore your sdcard on linux.

    This Shellscript by BrixSat allows you to backup and restore your SD card on linux – e.g. for Raspberry Pi SD Cards on an Ubuntu Linux System. It will prompt for all the things that need to be entered. > github.com/BrixSat/SdcardBackupRestore

  • Gammu SMSD – SMS2Email Gateway

    Gammu SMS Daemon is a program that periodically scans GSM modem for received messages, stores them in defined storage and also sends messages enqueued in this storage. It is perfect tool for managing big amounts of received or sent messages and automatically process them. wammu.eu/smsd/

  • GitHub – rm-hull/max7219: Interfacing LED matrix displays with the MAX7219 driver in Python using hardware SPI on the Raspberry Pi.

    Interfacing LED matrix displays with the MAX7219 driver in Python using hardware SPI on the Raspberry Pi. > github.com/rm-hull/max7219

  • Raspberry Pi Remote Wake/SleepLAN Server | JeremyBlum.com

    Sophisticated Wake-On-LAN solution that runs as a server on a Raspberry Pi and can be triggered from the Internet. www.jeremyblum.com/2013/07/14/rpi-wol-server/

  • Using ddclient on the Raspberry Pi with a dynamic DNS Namecheap Domain

    The Raspberry Pi is anything but a powerhouse, but it excels in a lot of lightweight applications that rely on 24/7 uptime. Its power-sipping processor makes it amazing for simple things like acting as an ssh gateway for your home network or hosting any number of network applications from inside your home network. This step-by-step…