Tag: Open Source
Catalog of friendly, useful, artistic online bots, and resources that can help you make them | botwiki
Botwiki is an open catalog of friendly, useful, artistic online bots, and tools and tutorials that can help you make them. botwiki.org/
WordPress Hybrid Client
With WPHC (WordPress Hybrid Client), your WordPress website application (iOS and Android) is just a build away. wphc.julienrenaux.fr/
TensorFlow — an Open Source Software Library for Machine Intelligence
TensorFlow™ is an open source software library for numerical computation using data flow graphs. Nodes in the graph represent mathematical operations, while the graph edges represent the multidimensional data arrays (tensors) communicated between them. The flexible architecture allows you to deploy computation to one or more CPUs or GPUs in a desktop, server, or mobile…
RStudio – Open source and enterprise-ready professional software for developing AI
RStudio is an active member of the R community. We believe free and open source data analysis software is a foundation for innovative and important work in science, education, and industry. The many customers who value our professional software capabilities help us contribute to this community. www.rstudio.com/
OSMC – Open Source Media Center
OSMC is a free and open source media center built for the people, by the people. Raspberry Pi is fully supported. > osmc.tv/
How to build an open source community – OSSWATCH
Community is vital to an open source project. An active and supportive community is the heart of the project. However, having an open source licence is not enough to bring users and developers to your project and build a community. This document – written by Matthew Mascord – looks at what makes a successful open…
Node a visual tool for wiring together the IoT
Node-RED is a tool for wiring together hardware devices, APIs and online services in new and interesting ways. > nodered.org/
FarmBot | Raspberry Pi powered Open-Source CNC Farming
FarmBot is a DIY agriculture robot that promises to usher in the future of farming farmbot.io/
LCDproc – LCD real-time system information from Linux
LCDproc is a piece of open source software that displays real-time system information from your Linux/*BSD box on a LCD. The server supports several serial and USB devices from Matrix Orbital and CrystalFontz as well as some devices connected to the LPT port: HD44780, T6963, SED1520 and SED1330. Various clients are available that display things…
GitHub – Building your own WordPress Plugins with WordPress-Plugin-Boilerplate by Devin Vinson
WordPress-Plugin-Boilerplate is a great foundation for WordPress Plugin Development that aims to provide a clear and consistent guide for building your plugins. Boilerplate provides the following features: • The Boilerplate is based on the Plugin API, Coding Standards, and Documentation Standards. • All classes, functions, and variables are documented so that you know what you…
Online Vulnerability Scanners | HackerTarget.com
HackerTarget.com allows you to simplify the security assessment process with hosted vulnerability scanning tools based on trusted open source software. There are several different online security scanners that test different areas of the security assessment cycle – including information gathering, application discovery, network mapping and vulnerability discovery: Nmap Port Scanner, OpenVas Vulnerability Scanner, Nikto Web…
Gitlab – Code, test, and deploy together
Code, test, and deploy together with GitLab open source git repo management software featuring private hosting (Community Edition) and unlimited private projects/repositories. Gitlab is a great alternative to Github if you need to organize free non-public software development projects. about.gitlab.com/
Cryptomator: Free Cloud Encryption for Dropbox & Others
Free client-side encryption for your cloud files for Windows, Mac, iOS and Linux. Open source software: No backdoors, no registration. cryptomator.org/
Gourl.io – automated payment processing system (Bitcoin Wiki)
GoUrl.io is an automated payment processing system for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin.it’s Wiki features various WordPress Plugins for GoUrl.io. en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Gourl
The Guardian Project – Secure, Open Source Mobile Apps
About the Guardian Project: “While smartphones have been heralded as the coming of the next generation of communication and collaboration, they are a step backwards when it comes to personal security, anonymity and privacy. The Guardian Project creates easy to use secure apps, open-source software libraries, and customized mobile devices that can be used around…
Cryptii – Open Source Web Application to convert, encode and decode content
Cryptii is an Open Source web application designed and coded with <3 and brought to you by ffraenz under the mit license. It allows convert, encode decode content between different format systems (text, decimal, flipped, html entities, morsecode, leetspeak, navajo code, binary, octal, hexadecimal, roman etc.). This happens fully in your browser using javascript, no will…