GitHub – widapro/pixel_led_mqtt_panel: Pixel dot screen with mqtt
wLed panel it’s dot matrix display to show information from MQTT topics. It’s well integrated with home automation systems like Home-assistant, domoticz and others through MQTT broker. github.com/widapro/pixel_led_mqtt_panel/tree/master
Monitoring CPU temperatures on a Raspberry Pi with MQTT – Thingsmatic
Thingsmatic published a way (Python Script) how to set up a Raspberry Pi to gather its own board temperature values and publish these via MQTT to a MQTT Broker. This allows you to distribute the data further to all kinds of automation services like Home Assistant etc. > > thingsmatic.com/2017/02/01/self-monitoring-a-raspberry-pi-with-mqtt/
Integration of MQTT, SONOFF (Tasmota) and OpenHAB 2
Good instructions on how to integrate MQTT (Mosquitto) with Sonoff (Tasmota) flashed devices and OpenHAB 2. It is still a lot of manual work… domoticsduino.blogspot.de/2017/09/home-automation-system-mqtt-sonoff-and.html
MQTT Essentials – Introduction by HiveMQ
HiveMQ released an blog series on MQTT Essentials dealing with the core features and concepts in the MQTT protocol. www.hivemq.com/blog/mqtt-essentials-part-1-introducing-mqtt
Tutorial ESP8266 Daten vom BME280 über MQTT an HomeAssistant verschicken
In diesem Tutorial zeigt zeigen Philippe von Bastelgarage.ch wie einfach ihr mit ESPEasy einen Sensor einbinden könnt und Daten übers WLAN mit MQTT verschicken könnt. www.bastelgarage.ch/index.php?route=extension/d_blog_module/post&post_id=15
1technophile/OpenMQTTGateway Wiki · GitHub
OpenMQTTGateway is the link between your home automation software and your devices by MQTT. OpenMQTTGateway can be integrated with OpenHAB, Home Assistant, NodeRED and many others. And by the way automate your plugs, TV, Hifi, lights, fan following PIR, door sensors, BLE beacons etc… github.com/1technophile/OpenMQTTGateway/wiki
Infrared IR, 433mhz and MQTT on ESP8266 bidirectional gateway OpenMQTTGateway
The goal is to act as a gateway between 433Mhz sensors, infrared remote controls and a MQTT broker or between the MQTT broker and 433Mhz actuators, infrared devices. It enables to receive MQTT data from a topic and send RF 433Mhz signal corresponding to the received MQTT data, publish MQTT data to a different topic…
433toMQTTto433 – Bidirectional ESP8266 NodeMCU gateway between RF 433Mhz signal and MQTT
The goal is to act as a gateway between 433Mhz sensors and a MQTT broker or between the MQTT broker and 433Mhz actuators, It enables to receive MQTT data from a topic and send RF 433Mhz signal corresponding to the received MQTT data and publish MQTT data to a different topic related to received 433Mhz…