Tag: MIT

  • Incoggo Adblocker for Paywalls

    Incoggo is an adblocker for paywalls in the form of a desktop application. Simply, that means that you can access articles from select premium publications for free! If you’re tired of seeing the “you have reached your monthly limit” popup, then Incoggo is perfect for you. For the start, Incoggo can circumvent the paywalls of…

  • Blog – Rodney Brooks

    Great blog by Rodney Brooks (M.I.T. Teacher) for technology enthusiasts and geeks. rodneybrooks.com/blog/

  • Cryptii – Open Source Web Application to convert, encode and decode content

    Cryptii is an Open Source web application designed and coded with <3 and brought to you by ffraenz under the mit license. It allows convert, encode decode content between different format systems (text, decimal, flipped, html entities, morsecode, leetspeak, navajo code, binary, octal, hexadecimal, roman etc.). This happens fully in your browser using javascript, no will…