Tag: Linux
Free backup software to store encrypted backups online For Windows, macOS and Linux www.duplicati.com/
GitHub – Genymobile/scrcpy: Display and control your Android device
Scrcpy is a free open source application which allows the display and control of Android devices connected via USB (or over TCP/IP). It does not require any root access. It works on GNU/Linux, Windows and macOS. It focuses on: lightness: native, displays only the device screen performance: 30~120fps, depending on the device quality: 1920×1080 or…
GitHub – laurent22/rsync-time-backup: Time Machine style backup with rsync.
This script offers Time Machine-style backup using rsync. It creates incremental backups of files and directories to the destination of your choice. The backups are structured in a way that makes it easy to recover any file at any point in time. It works on Linux, macOS and Windows (via WSL or Cygwin). The main…
Backup to your Synology NAS with rsync – GnaX.io
This step by step guide written bei gnax.io explains how you can perform a backup task using rsync from your external Linux server (e.g. Ubuntu VPS) to your Synology NAS automatically and on a schedule. It requires to fiddle around with SSH and changing some rights on the Synology to get it done but it…
glances – Server Monitoring
Glances is a an awesome and yet very simple cross-platform monitoring tool developed by Nico Largo and released as Open Source on Github. Glances aims to present a large amount of monitoring information through a curses or Web based interface. The information dynamically adapts depending on the size of the user interface. github.com/nicolargo/glances/
Theofline at GitHub
Fluency on the command line is a skill often neglected or considered arcane, but it improves your flexibility and productivity as an engineer in both obvious and subtle ways. This Github page is a selection of notes and tips on using the command-line that we’ve found useful when working on Linux. Some tips are elementary,…
UV4L Installation for ARM (Raspberry Pi)
> The following instructions explain how to install UV4L on the official Raspbian Linux distributions available for any model of the Raspberry Pi boards: Zero, Zero W (Wireless), 1, 2, 3, Compute Module 1, Compute Module 3. > www.linux-projects.org/uv4l/installation/ > >
Hosting WordPress Yourself on DigitalOcean
Deliciousbrains have published a complete end-to-end series on Hosting WordPress Yourself on DigitalOcean (works on Linode, Amazon EC2 or one of the many other virtual server providers as well). The guide explains the entire process of building a complete server to house your WordPress sites step by step and is getting updated to the latest…
GitHub – BrixSat/SdcardBackupRestore: Backup and restore your sdcard on linux.
This Shellscript by BrixSat allows you to backup and restore your SD card on linux – e.g. for Raspberry Pi SD Cards on an Ubuntu Linux System. It will prompt for all the things that need to be entered. > github.com/BrixSat/SdcardBackupRestore
Instructions for Sending & Receiving SMS on Linux by 20papercups
Instructions on sending & receiving SMS with a USB-Modem Surfstick on Linux Operating Systems with SMSD. > www.20papercups.net/programming/sending-receiving-sms-on-linux/
Gammu SMSD – SMS2Email Gateway
Gammu SMS Daemon is a program that periodically scans GSM modem for received messages, stores them in defined storage and also sends messages enqueued in this storage. It is perfect tool for managing big amounts of received or sent messages and automatically process them. wammu.eu/smsd/
GitHub – igrr/esptool-ck: The ESP8266/ESP32 build helper tool by Christian Klippel
Esptool is a tool to create firmware files for the ESP8266/ESP32 chips and flash the firmware to the chip over serial port. Esptool runs on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. Esptool reads the compiled program in ELF format, extracts code and data sections, and either dumps a section to a file or assembles the…
Raspberry Pi and Microsoft LifeCam HD 3000 USB Webcam Built In Microphone
How to use a Microsoft LifeCam HD 3000 on a Raspberry Pi project. The webcam is Plug and Play, but the microphone does not work with Raspbian Jessie by default. Goal: I wanted the default audio input to be the Built-In Webcam Mic, and the default sound output to be the normal 3.5mm jack on…
Kopieren von Dateien zwischen Linux-Computern mit SSH/SCP
“Um Dateien von einem Computer auf einen anderen kopieren zu können, müssen Sie wissen, wo die Dateien abgelegt sind. Um beispielsweise eine einzelne Datei /srv/foo_file vom Computer jupiter.example.com in das aktuelle Verzeichnis zu kopieren, verwenden Sie den Befehl scp (der Punkt entspricht dem aktuellen Verzeichnis als Zielspeicherort der kopierten Datei)“: scp tux@jupiter.example.com:/srv/foo_file . > www.mpipks-dresden.mpg.de/~mueller/docs/suse10.3/opensuse-manual_de/manual/sec.filetrans.copy.html
How to install Virtualbox Latest on Ubuntu and Kali Linux – Computingforgeeks
VirtualBox allows you to run more than one operating system at a time. This way, you can run software written for one operating system on another (for example, Windows software on Linux or a Mac) without having to reboot to use it. > computingforgeeks.com/how-to-install-virtualbox-latest-on-ubuntu-and-kali-linux/
Kali 2 Linux – How to fix broken system font after update
Kali Linux sometimes breaks the system font used on windows titles after updates or new installs. The problem can be solved by reinstalling the system font. forums.kali.org/showthread.php?31025-Problems-with-Text-after-newinstall-and-Update
Linux Automation and Scripting Guide
Linux and UNIX based operating systems have had all the basic ingredients for relatively painless automation built in for ages. You can make it do anything at any time, by any schedule or any trigger. Your wish is its command! These basic ingredients are shell scripting in bash, a few key configuration files, and cron.…
ThinkPenguin.com | Penguin Laptops, Desktops, and Accessories with Linux & GNU Support
At ThinkPenguin they have one goal: Make the adoption of free software easy. Unfortunately in the past GNU/Linux has gotten a bad rap as being difficult to use and lacking support. Fortunately thats the past and now there is a readily available catalog of free software friendly hardware and support available from one source: ThinkPenguin…
LCDproc – LCD real-time system information from Linux
LCDproc is a piece of open source software that displays real-time system information from your Linux/*BSD box on a LCD. The server supports several serial and USB devices from Matrix Orbital and CrystalFontz as well as some devices connected to the LPT port: HD44780, T6963, SED1520 and SED1330. Various clients are available that display things…
How To Scan And Check A WordPress Website Security Using WPScan, Nmap, And Nikto | Unixmen
Millions of websites are powered by WordPress software and there’s a reason for that. WordPress is the most developer-friendly content management system out there, so you can essentially do anything you want with it. Unfortunately, every day some scary report about a major site being hacked or a sensitive database being compromised hits the web…
Wapiti : a Free and Open-Source web-application vulnerability scanner in Python for Windows, Linux, BSD, OSX
Wapiti allows you to audit the security of your web applications. It performs “black-box” scans, i.e. it does not study the source code of the application but will scans the webpages of the deployed webapp, looking for scripts and forms where it can inject data. Once it gets this list, Wapiti acts like a fuzzer,…
Root-Zugang mit Synology DSM 6.0 Beta › Linux und Ich
Tutorial zur Erstellung eines Root-Zugangs via SSH für das Synology Diskstation NAS unter DSM 6. linuxundich.de/gnu-linux/root-zugang-synology-diskstation-dsm-60/
Mount A Network Share On Linux / Ubuntu – Linhost.info
This tutorial shows the steps necessary to mount a network share in Linux making use of the cifs-util suite including creation of mount point, mounting and mount of a network share at boot. linhost.info/2012/05/mount-a-network-share-in-linux-ubuntu/