Tag: Integration
GitHub – ASMfreaK/esphome_max7219
This is a custom Integration of the Max 7219 dot matrix displays into ESPHome. github.com/ASMfreaK/esphome_max7219 <github.com/ASMfreaK/esphome_max7219>
Integration of MQTT, SONOFF (Tasmota) and OpenHAB 2
Good instructions on how to integrate MQTT (Mosquitto) with Sonoff (Tasmota) flashed devices and OpenHAB 2. It is still a lot of manual work… domoticsduino.blogspot.de/2017/09/home-automation-system-mqtt-sonoff-and.html
GitHub – course-hero/slacktee
Slacktee is a bash script that works like tee command. Instead of writing the standard input to files, slacktee posts it to Slack. github.com/course-hero/slacktee
Download Monitor — WordPress Plugins
Download Monitor is a plugin for uploading and managing downloads, tracking downloads, and displaying links. Download Monitor provides an interface for uploading and managing downloadable files (including support for multiple versions), inserting download links into posts, and logging downloads. > de.wordpress.org/plugins/download-monitor/