Tag: Hosting
Simple guide to add TLS cert to cpanel · acmesh-official/acme.sh Wiki · GitHub
How to use acme.sh with cPanel for automatically renewing Let’s Encrypt SSL This guide will demonstrate how to use acme.sh with a cPanel account to setup automatically renewing Let’s Encrypt certificates. Prerequisites: SSH access to your cPanel account is required. Contact your host to find out whether this is available. Sometimes Namecheap or other Shared…
YunoHost – server operating system
YunoHost is a server operating system aiming to make self-hosting accessible to everyone. yunohost.org/
Hosting WordPress Yourself on DigitalOcean
Deliciousbrains have published a complete end-to-end series on Hosting WordPress Yourself on DigitalOcean (works on Linode, Amazon EC2 or one of the many other virtual server providers as well). The guide explains the entire process of building a complete server to house your WordPress sites step by step and is getting updated to the latest…
Tutorial for Installing Django, Python, Apache, mod_wsgi and PostgreSQL in Raspbian Jessie
This guide by Ben Croston to install Django, Python, Apache mod_wsgi and PostgreSQL on a Raspberry Pi running Raspbian Jessie Lite. It is intended as a guide to getting everything installed and configured, not as a tutorial in actually using Python, Django etc. The toolchain is suitable for a fairly heavy duty production environment. >…
An Introduction to the Linux Terminal by DigitalOcean
in this excellent tutorial to the linux terminal, hosting provider DigitalOcean teaches Linux basics to get new users on their feet, covers getting started with the terminal, the Linux command line, and executing commands. www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/an-introduction-to-the-linux-terminal