Tag: GitHub
GitHub – HausnerR/esphome-door-lock: IoT door lock based on Wemos D1 mini and RC522 RFID module
This Github repository provides an IoT door lock solution based on Wemos D1 mini and RC522 RFID module that can be integrated into Home Assistant (Hassio) via ESPHome. github.com/HausnerR/esphome-door-lock <github.com/HausnerR/esphome-door-lock>
GitHub – mtrung/tesla-usb-drive: Tesla DashCam & Music USB drive maker tool
This Script for the Mac Command line allows to format the USB drive into 2 partitions for DashCam and Music. github.com/mtrung/tesla-usb-drive
GitHub – lephisto/tesla-apiscraper: API Scraper for pulling Vehicle Statistics from the Tesla Owner API into an InfluxDB + Grafana Dashboards
Selfhosted API Scraper for pulling Vehicle Telemetry from the Tesla Owner API into an InfluxDB visualisation on Grafana Dashboards. Known to work with Model S, X and 3. Current Release: v2019.5 Putting an end to handing out the Key for your 100+ Grand Car to a third party you don’t know. github.com/lephisto/tesla-apiscraper <github.com/lephisto/tesla-apiscraper>
GitHub – marcone/teslausb: Steps and scripts for turning a Raspberry Pi into a useful USB drive for a Tesla
You can configure a Raspberry Pi Zero W or Raspberry Pi 4 so that your Tesla thinks it’s a USB drive and will write dashcam footage to it. Since it’s a computer: Scripts running on the Pi can automatically copy the clips to an archive server when you get home. The Pi can hold both…
GitHub – Unofficial Bitwarden compatible server written in Rust
This is a Bitwarden server API implementation written in Rust compatible with upstream Bitwarden clients*, perfect for self-hosted deployment where running the official resource-heavy service might not be ideal. github.com/dani-garcia/bitwarden_rs
GitHub – BroadbentT/PDF-CRACKER
This is a (working) Python script file to crack encrypted .pdf files using a dictionary attack or a hash attack. github.com/BroadbentT/PDF-CRACKER
Alpha Vantage – Free Finance API
What happens when you bring together a community of researchers, developers, and business analysts? A free finance API, with real-time and historical data about stocks, forex (FX), digital assets. They have huge support from third-party developers, and different integrations are available on GitHub from enthusiastic supporters. Fans have been impressed with its ease of use,…
GitHub – curiositry/weblog-ghost-theme
This is an awesome old-school ghost theme for the golden era of blogging. github.com/curiositry/weblog-ghost-theme
Theofline at GitHub
Fluency on the command line is a skill often neglected or considered arcane, but it improves your flexibility and productivity as an engineer in both obvious and subtle ways. This Github page is a selection of notes and tips on using the command-line that we’ve found useful when working on Linux. Some tips are elementary,…
GitHub – tellform/tellform: Free Opensource Alternative to TypeForm or Google Forms
An opensource alternative to TypeForm that can create stunning mobile-ready forms, surveys and questionnaires. github.com/tellform/tellform
GitHub – Chocobozzz/PeerTube: Federated (ActivityPub) video streaming platform
Federated (ActivityPub) video streaming platform using P2P (BitTorrent) directly in the web browser with WebTorrent and Angular. github.com/Chocobozzz/PeerTube
GitHub – pageauc/rclone4pi: rclone4pi
Easy Install of rclone to Raspberry Pi Computer with automated folder sync demo github.com/pageauc/rclone4pi
S#.Data – a free application for downloading and storing market data. StockSharp. stocksharp.com/
GitHub – fabianhu/SIP-Pi: SIP automated calling and answering machine running on Raspberry Pi
Sip-Tools – Automated calls and answering machine • sipcall – Automated calls over SIP/VOIP with TTS • sipserv – Answering machine for SIP/VOIP with TTS Dependencies: • PJSUA API (www.pjsip.org) • eSpeak (espeak.sourceforge.net) Copyright (C) 2012 by Andre Wussow, desk@binerry.de major changes 2017 by Fabian Huslik, github.com/fabianhu github.com/fabianhu/SIP-Pi
Self-contained NodeMCU flasher with GUI based on esptool.py and wxPython.
Self-contained NodeMCU flasher by marcelstoer with GUI based on esptool.py and wxPython. > > github.com/marcelstoer/nodemcu-pyflasher <github.com/marcelstoer/nodemcu-pyflasher> > > <github.com/marcelstoer/nodemcu-pyflasher#start-of-content>Press h to open a hovercard with more details.
Raspberry Pi – IP Camera
Bootstrap/PHP web interface for the Raspberry Pi Camera by ronnyvdbr who writes on his website about his project: “Hi, welcome to my Raspberry IP Camera build. This project was brought to life out of personal interest for the Raspberry Pi camera features and the lack of readily available sources of easy configurable Web GUI software…
1technophile/OpenMQTTGateway Wiki · GitHub
OpenMQTTGateway is the link between your home automation software and your devices by MQTT. OpenMQTTGateway can be integrated with OpenHAB, Home Assistant, NodeRED and many others. And by the way automate your plugs, TV, Hifi, lights, fan following PIR, door sensors, BLE beacons etc… github.com/1technophile/OpenMQTTGateway/wiki
WarBerryPi – Tactical Exploitation with Raspberry Pi
WarBerryPi was built to be used as a hardware implant during red teaming scenarios where we want to obtain as much information as possible in a short period of time with being as stealth as possible. Just find a network port and plug it in. The scripts have been designed in a way that the…
nextcloud/nextcloudpi: Build code for NextCloudPi Raspberry Pi image and docker container
NextCloudPi is a ready to use image for Raspberry Pi. github.com/nextcloud/nextcloudpi
Wekan – Best self hosted Open Source Trello Alternative
Of all the Kanban-style board tools, Wekan is the one that most closely resembled the Trello interface. Wekan is entirely written in JavaScript. Wekan was formerly known as Libreboard. They have a free hosted demo that you can try out, or you can download and install it yourself. They make this especially easy, providing a…
GitHub – BrixSat/SdcardBackupRestore: Backup and restore your sdcard on linux.
This Shellscript by BrixSat allows you to backup and restore your SD card on linux – e.g. for Raspberry Pi SD Cards on an Ubuntu Linux System. It will prompt for all the things that need to be entered. > github.com/BrixSat/SdcardBackupRestore
GitHub – course-hero/slacktee
Slacktee is a bash script that works like tee command. Instead of writing the standard input to files, slacktee posts it to Slack. github.com/course-hero/slacktee
GitHub – unixpickle/JamWiFi: A GUI, easy to use WiFi network jammer for Mac OS X
JamWiFi is a GUI, easy to use WiFi network jammer for Mac OS X which allows you to select one or more nearby wireless networks, thereupon presenting a list of clients which are currently active on the network(s). Furthermore, JamWiFi allows you to disconnect clients of your choosing for as long as you wish. >…