Tag: Email

  • GitHub – rcarmo/imapbackup: A Python script for incremental backups of IMAP mailboxes

    A Python script for creating full backups of IMAP mailboxes with the following features: ZERO dependencies. Copies every single message from every single folder (or a subset of folders) in your IMAP server to your disk. Does incremental copying (i.e., tries very hard to not copy messages twice). Tries to do everything as safely as…

  • urlwatch monitors webpages for you

    urlwatch is intended to help you watch changes in webpages and get notified (via e-mail, in your terminal or through various third party services) of any changes. The change notification will include the URL that has changed and a unified diff of what has changed. github.com/thp/urlwatch <github.com/thp/urlwatch>

  • Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) – Cloudservice für EVersand

    Durch Amazon SES werden die komplexe Entwicklung von Inhouse-E-Mail-Lösungen sowie die damit verbundenen Kosten überflüssig. Sie brauchen keine eigenen Server einrichten oder sich um Ihre Netzwerkinfrastruktur zu kümmern bzw. Ihre Versand-IP-Adressen bereit machen. Die Amazon SES-Funktion lässt sich direkt über die Amazon SES-API in die von Ihnen entwickelten Anwendungen integrieren. Mit der SMTP-Schnittstelle von Amazon…

  • Sendy – Send Newsletters 100x cheaper via Amazon SES

    Sendy is a self hosted email newsletter application that lets you send trackable emails via Amazon Simple Email Service (SES). This makes it possible for you to send authenticated bulk emails at an insanely low price without sacrificing deliverability. > sendy.co/

  • urlwatch – a tool for monitoring webpages for updates (thp.io)

    urlwatch is intended to help you watch changes in webpages and get notified (via email, in your terminal or with a custom-written reporter class) of any changes. The change notification will include the URL that has changed and a unified diff of what has changed. > thp.io/2008/urlwatch/

  • GitHub – Debianguru/MailWebsiteChanges

    MailWebsiteChanges: Python script to keep track of website updates; sends email notifications and provides RSS2 feed. > github.com/Debianguru/MailWebsiteChanges

  • WeTransfer – kostenlos grosse Dateien mit Freunden teilen ohne Anmeldung!

    Dateien bis zu 2GB Größe kostenlos mit Freunden teilen ohne sich anmelden zu müssen? WeTransfer macht es möglich: Einfach Datei hochladen, eigene Email-Adresse angeben und Email des Freundes und schon kann die Datei über den Cloud-Dienst verschickt werden. www.wetransfer.com/

  • Domain List of Disposable and Temporary Email Addresses from GitHub

    This GitHub repo – maintained by martenson – contains a list of disposable and temporary email address domains which are often used to register dummy users in order to spam/abuse some services. This list can be very handy to filter new user registrations and disallow registration with disposable of temporary email addresses. github.com/martenson/disposable-email-domains