Tag: Driver
GitHub – Itaybre/CameraController: Control USB Cameras from an app
With the free Open Source Camera Controller App you can Control the settings of your webcam on MacOS without using the software provided (or not) by the company. It helps to get rid of junk software and Apps like the trash that is released by Logitech under the name of GHub. Works perfectly also for…
USB to TTL Converter RS232 with Fake Prolific PL2303 – how to install on Windows 10?
There are a lot of cheap Chinese imitations of “USB to TTL Konverter Arduino RS232 3,3V 5V PL2303 UART Adapter Seriell Converter“ that carry fake Prolific PL2303 Chips and show up in Windows 10 as a USB Device with Error 10. To use these devices an old Windows 7 Driver is needed that can be…
GitHub – rm-hull/max7219: Interfacing LED matrix displays with the MAX7219 driver in Python using hardware SPI on the Raspberry Pi.
Interfacing LED matrix displays with the MAX7219 driver in Python using hardware SPI on the Raspberry Pi. > github.com/rm-hull/max7219
LCDproc – LCD real-time system information from Linux
LCDproc is a piece of open source software that displays real-time system information from your Linux/*BSD box on a LCD. The server supports several serial and USB devices from Matrix Orbital and CrystalFontz as well as some devices connected to the LPT port: HD44780, T6963, SED1520 and SED1330. Various clients are available that display things…