Tag: DIY
Create custom LED art installations with the PIXEL Maker’s Kit. You’ll purchase your desired LED panels and corresponding power supply separately. Supported LED panels and power supply recommendations are listed. ledpixelart.com/pixelv2board/
Configure ESP8266 Wifi with WiFiManager
Avoid hardwiring the settings of your ESP8266 Wifi Setup by just adding a little extra code that triggers WiFiManager allowing you to change the settings for networks easily. hackaday.com/2017/03/18/configure-esp8266-wifi-with-wifimanager/
WordPress Hybrid Client
With WPHC (WordPress Hybrid Client), your WordPress website application (iOS and Android) is just a build away. wphc.julienrenaux.fr/
FarmBot | Raspberry Pi powered Open-Source CNC Farming
FarmBot is a DIY agriculture robot that promises to usher in the future of farming farmbot.io/