Tag: Display
GitHub – widapro/pixel_led_mqtt_panel: Pixel dot screen with mqtt
wLed panel it’s dot matrix display to show information from MQTT topics. It’s well integrated with home automation systems like Home-assistant, domoticz and others through MQTT broker. github.com/widapro/pixel_led_mqtt_panel/tree/master
GitHub – ASMfreaK/esphome_max7219
This is a custom Integration of the Max 7219 dot matrix displays into ESPHome. github.com/ASMfreaK/esphome_max7219 <github.com/ASMfreaK/esphome_max7219>
RGB LED Matrix With an ESP8266 : 7 Steps (with Pictures)
This Instructable shows how to get started with using a P3 dot matrix display with an ESP8266. www.instructables.com/id/RGB-LED-Matrix-With-an-ESP8266/
7 Fabulous Raspberry Pi Picture Frame Projects
Creating a digital picture frame is a perennial favorite Raspberry Pi project — it’s useful, relatively simple, and doesn’t require a lot of parts, making it a great first Pi project for beginners. But, as with most things made out of the Raspberry Pi, this seemingly simple concept has been been taken to the next…
LCDproc – LCD real-time system information from Linux
LCDproc is a piece of open source software that displays real-time system information from your Linux/*BSD box on a LCD. The server supports several serial and USB devices from Matrix Orbital and CrystalFontz as well as some devices connected to the LPT port: HD44780, T6963, SED1520 and SED1330. Various clients are available that display things…
File Away — WordPress Plugins
Upload, manage, and display files from your server directories or page attachments in stylized lists or sortable data tables. > wordpress.org/plugins/file-away/