Tag: Client

  • Monitoring CPU temperatures on a Raspberry Pi with MQTT – Thingsmatic

    Thingsmatic published a way (Python Script) how to set up a Raspberry Pi to gather its own board temperature values and publish these via MQTT to a MQTT Broker. This allows you to distribute the data further to all kinds of automation services like Home Assistant etc. > > thingsmatic.com/2017/02/01/self-monitoring-a-raspberry-pi-with-mqtt/

  • SourceTree | Free Git and Hg Client for Mac and Windows

    A free visual Git and Hg client for Mac and Windows, SourceTree simplifies how you interact with your Git and Mercurial repositories so you can focus on coding. Visualize and manage your repositories through SourceTree’s simple interface. > www.sourcetreeapp.com/

  • GitHub – mstarke/MacPass: A native OS X KeePass client

    There are a lot of iOS KeePass tools around but a distinct lack of a good OS X version. KeePass can be used via Mono on OS X but lacks vital functionality and feels sluggish. MacPass is an attempt to create a native OS X port of KeePass. > github.com/mstarke/MacPass