Tag: Apple
GitHub – rcarmo/imapbackup: A Python script for incremental backups of IMAP mailboxes
A Python script for creating full backups of IMAP mailboxes with the following features: ZERO dependencies. Copies every single message from every single folder (or a subset of folders) in your IMAP server to your disk. Does incremental copying (i.e., tries very hard to not copy messages twice). Tries to do everything as safely as…
GitHub – davidwernhart/AlDente: MacOS tool to limit maximum charging percentage
Al Dente is a MacOS tool written by David Wernhart to limit maximum charging percentage on your MacBooks. It helps you to keep your MacBook batteries fresh and healthy by avoiding overclocking. The problem that Li-ion and polymer batteries (like the one in your MacBook) last the longest when operating between 30 and 80 percent.…
Low Budget NAS mit einem Raspberry PI | Wel!s Blog
Low Budget NAS mit einem Raspberry PI – Komplette umfassende Anleitung, u.a. mit Dateiserver-Freigaben (Samba, Netatalk, AVAHI). > www.welzels.de/blog/projekte/raspberry-pi/low-budget-nas-mit-einem-raspberry-pi/
How to back up files from Mac to Synology NAS with Time Machine – Knowledge Base | Synology Inc.
This article will guide you through the process of backing up data from your Mac OS X computer to a Synology DiskStation using Apple’s Time Machine, a backup utility included in Mac OS X 10.5 and later. > www.synology.com/en-global/knowledgebase/DSM/tutorial/Backup_Restore/How_to_back_up_files_from_Mac_to_Synology_NAS_with_Time_Machine