Tag: app
GitHub – unixpickle/JamWiFi: A GUI, easy to use WiFi network jammer for Mac OS X
JamWiFi is a GUI, easy to use WiFi network jammer for Mac OS X which allows you to select one or more nearby wireless networks, thereupon presenting a list of clients which are currently active on the network(s). Furthermore, JamWiFi allows you to disconnect clients of your choosing for as long as you wish. >…
WordPress Hybrid Client
With WPHC (WordPress Hybrid Client), your WordPress website application (iOS and Android) is just a build away. wphc.julienrenaux.fr/
PiBakery – the easiest way to setup a Raspberry Pi
PiBakery – the easiest way to setup a Raspberry Pi – free Download of this must have Mac App! www.pibakery.org/
Automating iOS: How Pythonista Changed My Workflow – MacStories
Detailed instructions on using Python via Pythonista on iOS to automate task. www.macstories.net/stories/automating-ios-how-pythonista-changed-my-workflow/
FarmBot | Raspberry Pi powered Open-Source CNC Farming
FarmBot is a DIY agriculture robot that promises to usher in the future of farming farmbot.io/
Interaxion MUSE – Measuring your Brain
Muse from Interaxion is your personal meditation assistant. While you meditate, Muse measures whether your mind is calm or active, and translates that data into weather sounds. When you’re calm, you’ll hear peaceful weather sounds. When your mind wanders, the weather will intensify, guiding you back to a calm state. After each session, review your…
The Guardian Project – Secure, Open Source Mobile Apps
About the Guardian Project: “While smartphones have been heralded as the coming of the next generation of communication and collaboration, they are a step backwards when it comes to personal security, anonymity and privacy. The Guardian Project creates easy to use secure apps, open-source software libraries, and customized mobile devices that can be used around…